What main appeals did you use in your pitch? Why did you decide they would be the most effective?
- Bandwagon:
Show how popular it is and used by many children. For parents: by featuring a professional camera operator and his son
- Rational or logical appeal
Bashing of go-pros and regular cameras
Why not use a camera while guaranteeing fun
- These two appeals were the ones that our group used for the presentation. We decided to use the bandwagon appeal because our advertisement was supposed to demonstrate and present our idea (recreational drone) as something new and trendy (popular) and that it was the new product that was in style within the younger generations. On top of that we wanted parents to experience the difference our product isn't just a drone,but however is also used by significant people within the filming industry. Which is what we mentioned during our presentation, that the ad which was going to be adcertisded in the form of a youtube video will contain a professional camera operator and his son. This technique is also known as "Ethos" by using someone with creditability to express pros of the recreational drone and how it could benefit the children (target audience) with their profession film making.
- The second appeal that was used was the rationale or logical appeal. We demonstrated the appeal by mentioning some other companies that share the same field of products. Go-pro was one that our group specifically targeted, the point of mentioning the companies wasn't to randomly bash them but to appeal to the audience on why we are different than they are. On top of that mentioning that our product adds more to the entertainment and educational use for the kids. Mentioning the benefits and uses of the product would enhance the buyers attention and would then have a higher chance of the advertisers investing in the product. So when listing the uses of the drone out we also wanted the audience to know that the uses of the drone will be featured in the youtube video. So they could expect the video to consist of the following aspects :
Uses of a drone -
- Make fun movies with friends
- Look at the entire neighbourhood with new constructions
- Miracle of flight
- Video the world around you
- Viewing beautiful imagery
- learn how to fly, learn new techniques, service and maintain your aircraft
What were some specific persuasive techniques you used (include examples) why did you believe these would be effective?
Persuasion techniques
- Repetition
- New (not like go-pro) - Bashing: Go-Pro, and regular camera
- Rhetorical Questions
- Ad hominem
- The persuasion techniques that were used all played a role in the presentation of our group and we outlined the 5 major types of appeals that we used to fit our advertisment presentation.
- The first one was repetition, at the start of the presentation I introduce the concept of the recreational drone and mention three important words that were initially repeated throughout the presentation which were: New, Simple and Fun. Throughout the presnetaion our group tried to mention them as much as we could, however we wanted to flow in naturally rather trying hard to mentioning them at random times which could end up making it sound forced and out of place. The other aspect that we tried to repeat was the fact that it is an educational product and it benefits the children much further than the idea of "Entertainment" but we wanted to mention that it is also a great and beneficial educational product that could help children further their kowldge on film making for the future.
- The second one was the new technique. We used this technique when "bashing" other companies such as "Go-Pros". We decided to bash other companies to show the audience how new our idea is compared to others within the same industry. We mention the term new as one of the three words that our group mention which was used as a repetitive mechanism
- The third one is the use of rhetorical questions. Our group uses this technique at the start of the presentation with questions such as "Do you wonder what you're going to purchase your children for the upcoming holiday?" or "Do you know the difference between our recreational drone and a go-pro?". These two questions that were asked obviously weren't questions we wanted to answers too. But more questionsto inform the audience that we will be answering the questions for them.
-The Ad hominem approach that was used came in the from of the "bashing" other competitors like the go-pro franchise. We decided to use this certain appeal because it was the type of persuasion techniques that is useful when introducing an idea to a audience that you have to try and convince them to invest in your product instead of another one. Most times the "other" product will most likely be your so called "rivals" such as go-pro so bashing them and shininga spotlight on their flaws while advertising your own product is an important and effective technique that is used in modern day advertisement. Which is why we decided to use it in our presentation.
How did an awareness of audience and context influence your overall approach to this activity?
- Before beginning to prepare for the presentation our group decided to view the context of our product which was suburban New Zealand. With that information in mind we decided to pretty much base the entirety of the presentation and the manner we approached it in with that in mind. For starters our group automatically directed the drone for the use of children, due to it being in a suburban land zone which would mean that there is a lack of entertainment that could be done in that region for the children, we decided to make it based around them, with the whole introduction of film making. Because in such a limited area to do stuff we have to encourage the children of that region to go out and use the geographical location to their advantage. Before beginning the presentation Mr.Michael informed us to try and use the appeals and needs to that are relevant to the product and to make sure that the target audience are kept in mind as the goal we had was to present a convincing ad plan that covered all of the aspects. With the audience and context in mind our group tried to make it as relatable to the target audience as possible, with the form of ad (youtube) to suit the actual use of it (Due to it being in a suburban area we based the video to have a drone flying around and showing beautiful sites of the suburban land scape to relate to the target audience)
If you were to complete this presentation again, what would you do differently in terms of content and preparation?
-If i were to complete this task again the one thing that i would have done differently was to rehearse and focus on my pronunciation of words, however keeping the time limit on my mind. Personally i felt that the way I spoke was distributed in a confident way in-front of the class however i'm known to "blabber" on and that doesn't allow me to get my idea through in a clear and efficient manner which is a skill that needs practicing.
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