- This Ad was published and produced by current president of the United States Of America: Donald Trump. The ad was 30 seconds long and was used to discuss the negative and controversial  aspects of then candidate;Hillary Clinton. 
- The intended audience of this Ad is targeted towards the American Population that are above the age of 18 (Legal age to vote). However the creator of the ad (Donald Trump) is in fact a republic candidate. This was published on the 2nd of November 2016.. Just a few days before the elections took place, and we can see within the way it was presented( Serious manner with a quite aggressive approach towards his opponent). But the audience aren't just republicans, it's also issued towards the democrats of america; To not necessarily change the democrats to republicans   but to also show that they are potentially voting for a individual who promotes such acts such as bribery and lies ( Based on what the vide has stated) 



 Ethos is a Greek word meaning ‘character’. In terms of persuasive language, it is an appeal to authority and credibility. Ethos is a means of convincing an audience of the reliable character or credibility of the speaker/writer, or the credibility of the argument.

It is an important tool of persuasion because if you can get your audience to see you (or your argument) as credible and trustworthy, it will be much easier to persuade them. 

  Pathos : 

Pathos is a Greek word meaning ‘suffering’ or ‘experience’, and it is used in persuasive speech as an appeal to the emotions of the audience. Pathos is the way of creating a persuasive argument by evoking an emotional response in the audience/reader.

You can use pathos when trying to persuade, by appealing to an audience’s hopes and dreams, playing on their fears or worries, or appealing to their particular beliefs or ideals. 


Logos is a Greek word meaning ‘a word’ or ‘reason’. In rhetoric, it is an appeal to logic and reason. It is used to persuade an audience by logical thought, fact and rationality.
Logos can be a useful tool of persuasion because if you can ‘prove’ an argument through logical and sound reasoning, your audience is more likely to be persuaded. 



  1. The message was produced and posted by "Trump campaign press" and that shows the credibility of it. As well as this being  a political ad the facts you would suspect to be accurate with credibility. 
  2. "I am Donald Trump and i approve this message" was said at the end of the video which shows a powerful figure has the authority and credibility. So it's more based on the saying that "As Donald Trump" or "As a figure of significance within the election" It emphasises that that certain title give him the creditability and the authorisation to state what he mentions through  the campaign ad video 


  1. "From Dead Broke to Worth 100 of millions" 
  2. Use of Rhetorical questions "So how did Hilary end up filthy  rich?" 
  3. The ad uses the pathos  by appealing to the audiences fear  and by appealing to their particular beliefs and ideals through the use of mentioning the controversial issues that surroudned this individual , in an example given to us on pathos they mention that a statement such as "If you don't buy life insurance, you are  letting your family down." and this goes hand in hand in the same way that the ad is presented, it is not necessarily preaching that if you don't vote for Donald then these issues will be brought into the countries political aspect, however it is conveying that the choice of choosing Hilary over Donald may seem like you're agreeing with the aspects that were mentioned in the video. 

Logos:  Throughout the Ad there was  certainly a lot of Logos and Pathos uses and some may cross each other as some aspects within the video could pass as acceptable for both sets of concepts!

  1. "Cash Poured into the clinton foundation from  
  • Criminals 
  • Dictators 
  • Countries that hate america "
2. FBI have opened a case based on this. 
