While Ngugi’s extract was used to practice the annotation and structuring of a Paper 1, the content and theme of the article can also be used to inform a deeper appreciation of Things Fall Apart 
In what ways does this text influence your understanding of Achebe’s use of language and stylistic choices in Things Fall Apart?
The extract by Ngugi "Decolonizing the mind" helps better one's understading when relating it to "Things Fall Apart". The text conveys and demonstartes the same idea that is seen throughout Achebe's novel. In addition they both share similar ideologies when it comes to reciting stories and ideologies through a individual within the culture. While Achebe aims to give a Ibo people a voice that was deliberlty oppressed through western influences and post colonisam literature. Which is what Ngugi's extract also expresses and shares his story to capture and present a authentic view on his culture. Moreover, the text shares simiilar ideas on the Igbo society post coloniasm, in addition, Ngugi shares similar perspectives to Achebe as both attempt to create a accurate represnetaion of their culture by discussing the matter within first-person experiencers. 
Ngugi views language as a element that holds his community and culture togetehr. As both sets of authors use language as a way to capture the role it contributes in their society. He says " Language was not a mere strong fo words. It had suggestive power well beyonf the immediate and lexcial meaning". Achebe also demonstarates this in his novels, through the orailty of the text such as provrbs,folktales,songs,dialouge and untraslated words. All contributing to the overall archining  meaning of the novel. 
Lastly, we are able to identify how both authors mention the unfortunte death of their native language once the colonisers where involved. On a whole, the extract helped me deelop a better understading on Achebe's use of language and stylistic choices in the novel "Things Fall Apart".
