Summer Blog Post#1

“Finally” were the words I murmured as the final bell began to ring, signaling that the academic year has come to an end, I was left with a bittersweet feeling; on the one hand I felt relived knowing that the next 3 months would be spent unwinding from a stressful and galvanizing year in the IB. However, the thought of sleeping in, wallowing around was cut short due to the constant reminders and emails reading “Summer work, Extended Essay and University applications”. I began to comprehend that this summer break would divert from the usual summers I’ve previously experienced. Nevertheless, against my better- judgment, I’ve decided to not solely base my summer on work; while time is of the essence, and completing the majority of my work during the summer would relive the pleasure for the next academic year. In addition help ameliorate my current work. I’ve concluded that enjoying my vacation without agonizing about my work would allow myself to stimulate and focus on my schoolwork with a cleared and relaxed mind. In other words, I’m using this vacation as an opportunity to procrastinate.

As for the time being, I am currently relishing the countryside of England as my expedition from Newcastle to London is in full flow. Thankfully, my trip to the U.K has been an inspiring one. Attending my brother’s graduation has motivated me and allowed me to comprehend the amount of work that is necessary in order to reach such an academic stand. Moreover, It opened my eyes to the fact that the upcoming year will be my final year of school. And that all the effort and hard-word that is inputted now would result in a beneficial output for the future.

Nevertheless, this summer break was a fantastic way to unwind from the pressure that this academic year has brought, not only to myself but also to the whole grade that have now experienced their first official year of the International Baccalaureate.

I can almost guarantee that my next blog post will consist of perturbation as I start to view the immense amount of summer work that I have deliberately failed to complete due to my expertise in procrastination. Well, it’s time to finish a 4000 word extended essay, three IA(Internal assessments) and all my English summer work in 38 days!

Wish me luck!
And I do hope that everyone is thoroughly enjoying the summer break. See you all in September!
